

Shapla Gram Unnayan Sangstha

37 Firojabad,Sapura,Boalia,Rajshahi-6203

Phone- 02-588800943, 02-588800946,        


1 Ministry/Division N/A
2 Implementing Agency Shapla Garm Unnayan Sangstha
3 Name of Procuring Entity Assistant Director and head of HR & Admin.- Shapla Gram Unnayan Sangstha
4 Procuring Entity Code Not used at present
5 Procuring Entity District Rajshahi
6 Invitation for Tender Re-excavation of 3 nos. Ponds with ghat in Godagari & Mohonpur Union Godagari Upozila of Rajshahi District. Procurement of Works Single Lot
7 Invitation Ref No. SGUS/ECCCP-Drought/Raj/Godagari/Pond/24-25 /WD-301/473


8 Date 18/11/2024


9 Procurement Method Open Tendering Method-National OTM (N)


10 Budget and Source of funds Green Climate Fund
11 Development Partner (if applicable) Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF)


12 Project/Program Code (if applicable) N/A
13 Project/Program Name (if applicable) Extended Community Climate Change Project- Drought (ECCCP-Drought)
14 Tender Package No. WD-301
15 Tender Package Name Re-excavation of 3 nos. Ponds with ghat in Godagari & Mohonpur Union Godagari Upozila of Rajshahi District.
16 Tender Publication Date 18/11/2024
17 Tender Last Selling Date 02/12/2024 5:00 pm
18 Tender Closing Date and Time 03/12/2024 2:00 pm
19 Tender Opening Date and Time 03/12/2024 2:30 pm
20 Name & Address of the office(s) Address
  –     Selling Tender Document (Principal) Head office Shapla Garm Unnayan Sangstha. 37 Firojabad, Sapura, Boalia, Rajshahi-6203
  –     Selling Tender Document (Others) Not Applicable
  –     Receiving Tender Document Head office Ground Floor, 101 no. room, 37 Firojabad, Sapura, Boalia, Rajshahi-6203
  –     Opening Tender Document Head office Ground Floor, 101 no. room, 37 Firojabad, Sapura, Boalia, Rajshahi-6203
21 Place / Date / Time of Pre-Tender Meeting (Optional) N/A


22 Eligibility of Tenderer -Tenderers shall have the legal capacity to enter into the Contract under the Applicable Law. -Tenderers shall have the relevant trade license registered in Bangladesh. -Tenderers shall have fulfilled its obligations to pay taxes under the provisions of laws and regulations of Bangladesh. – Other eligibility as per Tender Documents.
23 Brief Description of Works Re-excavation of 3 nos. Ponds with ghat in Godagari & Mohonpur Union Godagari Upozila of Rajshahi District.
24 Brief Description of Related Services Not Applicable
25 Price of Tender Document (Tk.) Tk. 1000/- only for package No. WD-301
26 Lot No Identification of Lot Location Tender Security Amount (Tk) Completion Time
1 Re-excavation of 3 nos. Ponds with ghat in Godagari & Mohonpur Union Godagari Upozila of Rajshahi District. Shapla Garm Unnayan Sangstha. 37 Firojabad, Sapura, Boalia, Rajshahi Phone- 02-588800943,


Tk. 70000 Seventy  Thousand Tk only 04 Months from the date of contract signing.





27 Name of Official Inviting Tender Shapla Garm Unnayan Sangstha.
28 Designation of Official Inviting Tender Assistant Director and head of HR & Admin.
29 Address of Official Inviting Tender Head office Ground Floor, 101 no. room, 37 Firojabad, Sapura, Boalia, Rajshahi-6203 Rajshahi Phone- 02-588800943, 02-588800946,
30 Contact details of Official Inviting Tel: 02-588800943 02-588800946 Email: Web site: www.
31 The Procuring entity reserves the right to accept or rejects all/any tenders

–     Incomplete or partial tenders will be rejected.

–     The authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the tender, or annul the tender process at any stage without assigning any reason(s) whatsoever, and without incurring any liability to the affected firm(s) or organization(s).



Md. Jahangir Alam
(Shapla Gram Unnayan Sangstha)
Assistant Director and head of HR & Admin.

Copy for kind information:

  1. The Project Coordination, ECCCP-Drought, PKSF Bhaban, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207.
  2. The Sonar Desh, Rajshahi,The Daily Prothom Alo, The New Age, Dhaka. He is requested to publish the above notice in his daily newspaper on or before 18.11.2024 in inner page for 1 day in 4 Column x 10 inch size and send the bill to the undersigned.